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Use what you already have in novel ways. Make do. Develop your imagination. Do it for fun, not because it’s mandatory. To get to the next level, one must understand evolution.
The Case for Older Men Taking the Lead
Older guys are a treasure trove of wisdom, kindness, and patience, all of which are virtues that the world could use more of. Seeing other men my age who have obviously given up and chosen to fall into the hole of style uniformity is something that drives me crazy as an older man. Feel free to just sit back and enjoy the tranquility if that is your genuine goal. But if you aren’t quite done yet, think about advancing your style a bit. Changing up your clothes is as simple as getting a new watch, a new pair of jeans, or even simply a new jacket. To begin, go through your closet and get rid of any out-of-date clothing. Invest in accessories that flaunt your continued attention to your appearance and sense of style.
Because personal taste in clothing is so subjective, my biases color my opinion on the matter. However, an older man wearing blue jeans and running shoes gives the impression of giving up. Feel free to disagree if you so desire. Be sure to stealthily observe the lower half of the men who pass by the next time you’re out. Evaluate your level of contentment with your appearance in comparison to the crowd by counting the number of people wearing the running shoes and blue jeans style. I could be wrong. Wearing flat-front chinos and a pair of trendy, comfy shoes isn’t the most daring thing you can do, but it could help you stand out from the crowd and attract some attention. The age-old adage “Look Good, Feel Good” is relevant in every situation.
The rest of us mortals just don’t have what it takes to look like George Clooney. The space between St. George and total capitulation is enormous, so why not seize part of it? We need to cast a light on ourselves, but allow the world-burners like George, Sean Connery, and Harrison Ford to steal the show. All that’s truly required is an outfit that has been carefully selected and clean, clear lines.
Our Team Is Not Bill Belichick, Either!
Shall we? No? Very well done. Okay, then, how about we not look like him? The moment I laid eyes on this man, I felt the need to scold him for his lack of style. I get that he’s focused on the game and that it’s chilly in New England, but he can’t go overboard. Please, someone, get this man a parka. Seeing a man representing our group walk out into the public eye, or rather, into international television, appearing as if he hasn’t even brushed the Cheeto crumbs off his chest yet is embarrassing.